Compassionate care for every stage of your pet's journey.

Discover comprehensive veterinary services tailored to your pet’s needs. From routine wellness care, diagnostics, and surgery to alternative therapies like acupuncture, we offer holistic support. In difficult times, our end-of-life care ensures dignity and compassion for your beloved companion. Additionally, our telemedicine option provides convenient access for follow-ups and minor issues. Trust us to provide the highest standard of care at every stage of your pet’s life.

Wellness Care

  • Annual Wellness examinations and preventive care
  • Vaccinations and vaccine titres
  • Diet and nutrition consultation
  • Tick, flea, heartworm and parasite control
  • Microchipping


  • In house blood analyzers
  • In house cytology and urinalysis
  • Digital radiography (X-rays)
  • Ultrasound
  • Electrocardiogram (EKG)
  • Internal Medicine consultations, ultrasounds and endoscopy with board certified Dr. Isabelle Aubert
  • Cardiology consultations, echocardiograms, and Holter monitors with Dr. Ashley Jones, board certified Cardiologist of Trillium Veterinary Cardiology


  • Spay and Neuter
  • Soft tissue surgeries
    • Including lump and cancer removal, bladder stone removal, intestinal foreign body removal, prophylactic gastropexy (stomach tacking), cherry eye repair, stenotic nares and elongated soft palate resection in brachycephalic dog.
  • Orthopedic Surgeries
    • Provided by Dr. Kim Murphy, board certified veterinary surgeon, of Canada Mobile Veterinary Surgery
    • TPLO surgeries to manage torn anterior cruciate ligaments (ACLs), Medial Patellar Luxation repairs, fracture repairs, and more.


  • Digital dental radiography
  • Dental examinations, cleaning, polishing under general anesthetic
  • Tooth extractions

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM)

Both Dr. Barb Deter and Dr. Shanna Clinch are certified through the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society (IVAS) to perform veterinary acupuncture. Acupuncture uses the insertion of needles into specific points along meridian channels of the body to stimulate the flow of Qi to treat specific conditions based on the animal’s diagnosis and acupuncture assessment. Acupuncture is used to manage a variety of conditions including intervertebral disc disease, degenerative myelopathy, chronic pain from arthritis as part of a multimodal approach.

Dr. Shanna also practices TCVM and herbal medicine as an adjunct to conventional western medicine.

Veterinary Spinal Manipulation Therapy (VSMT)

What is it?

  • VSMT is a form of manual therapy that is analogous to a chiropractic adjustment when performed by a Chiropractor
  • Dr. Melanie Gagnon became certified in 2016 through the Veterinary Chiropractic Learning Centre, with over 220 hours of instruction
  • With this manual therapy, your animal’s spine and joints are assessed for restricted ranges of motion and abnormal positions. These are called subluxations. A safe, high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust is applied to the specific joint segment to restore range of motion
  • This results in a return to optimal function of the spinal nerve at that segment and improved neural input back into the spinal cord. Restoring range of motion reduces pain, restores muscle and nervous system function

Which animals can benefit?

  • Dogs and cats experiencing neck or back pain
  • Seniors with osteoarthritis and chronic pain
  • Dogs competing in sports to maintain peak physical fitness and range of motion
  • Post-surgical, where they may have been weight shifting due to an abnormal gait or posture
  • Preventive care in “long-backed” dogs such as Dachshunds, who are prone to intervertebral disc disease and paralysis

End of Life Care - Euthanasia

End of life decisions are extremely difficult, but knowing what to expect during the process can help ease some anxiety. We aim to keep you and your pet together for the entire process, if that is what you wish.

The Process:

Although every situation is unique, our typical protocol is to start by administering an injection in the muscle (usually in the hind leg) that will lead to heavy sedation in 3-5 minutes. Meanwhile, as the sedation takes its effect, you can be holding or sitting with your pet. Once they are heavily sedated, we proceed with the final injection to help them pass peacefully. This final injection is an anesthetic agent and it is administered in a vein. We aim to use a vein in the hind limb, so that the animals’ loved ones can still be at their side. The animal is typically unable to feel this final injection due to the heavy sedation, so the entire process is as peaceful as possible.

You are welcome to be present for as much of this process as you are comfortable with. You are also welcome to discuss your circumstances with your pet ahead of time with one of our veterinarians, to make a specific plan that meets your wishes. If you feel your pet could benefit from taking a dose of anti-anxiety medication before arriving at the veterinary clinic, we are happy to provide this. Please bring as many treats, toys, blankets or other comfort items as you wish. Extended family members, children and other pets are welcome.

When it is weather appropriate, many clients choose to have this process performed outside of our clinic, on the side lawn, under some trees. We are more than happy to accommodate this.

After your pet has passed, your after-care options are:

  • Individual cremation – where their ashes are returned to you in an urn.
  • Communal cremation – their ashes are not returned to you, but they are still cremated and their remains buried in a pet cemetery
  • Burial – Home burial is not allowed within Guelph city limits. If you are interested in burial at a pet cemetery, this can be arranged with Gateway Pet Memorial.

Cremation and aftercare services provided by Gateway Pet Memorial. Please visit their website to look at urn and memorial products.


We offer scheduled, over the phone, telemedicine appointments for existing clients. Photos and/or videos can be emailed prior to the appointment for review.

Telemedicine is best used for:

  • Follow up on chronic, previously diagnosed, conditions
  • Behaviour consultations
  • Mild gastrointestinal signs (such as diarrhea, single episode of vomiting)
  • Post-op follow-ups
  • Minor skin abnormalities
  • Triage – to help decide if an in-person visit is required,

Phovia - Fluorescent Light Therapy

Phovia is a fluorescent light therapy used to treat skin conditions. Phovia uses a gel that contains chromophores that help transmit the light wavelengths deep into the skin. The multiple wavelengths reach different layers of skin and stimulate the body’s regenerative mechanisms. It speeds healing and results in an improved quality of healing with less scar tissue. It also has some antimicrobial effect for superficial infections. Numerous studies in dogs and cats have shown that Phovia treatments can speed healing time up to 50%, which results in less use of antibiotics and other medications. It can be safely used in dogs, cats and other species.

Conditions that can benefit from Phovia:

  • Wounds and surgical incisions
  • Focal skin infections
  • Various lesions caused by allergies
  • Hot spots
  • Inflammation of skin and cysts between toes (pododermatitis)
  • Acral lick dermatitis
  • Rodent ulcers in cats (eosinophilic granulomas)
  • Aural hematomas
  • Inflamed callouses on elbows and hocks
  • Contraindications:
  • Phovia is not to be used to treat cancers

The number and frequency of treatments depends on the individual patient and condition.If you are interested in this therapy, please speak to one of our veterinarians!

Southgate Animal Hospital is proud to offer CVO-accredited veterinary care with personal service in the South End of Guelph.

Contact Us

Hospital Hours

Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Saturday: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Sunday: Closed

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